Permaculture Ethics
Care for People: looking after self, kin and community, by learning how to process a bird for eating to feed myself and family as well as sharing information with others.
Permaculture Design Principles:
6. Produce no waste: I saved the feathers for my chicken coop as warm nesting box bedding. The only waste produced was the head, feet and innards; I will look for uses for those before I do it again.
9. Use Slow and Small Solutions: purchased free range pheasants from local small ranch.
10. Use and Value Diversity: put pheasants in my freezer to feed my family a different type of meat as we typically only eat chicken, pork, beef, and fish.
12. Creatively Use and Respond to Change: I recognize that with global warming and peak oil, our way of doing things will change and I want to be prepared for it, especially making sure I can feed my family when the fossil fuel subsidization of the current food delivery system starts to unravel.
Permaculture Icons used with permission. http://www.permacultureprinciples.com/
Hey, just a quick comment regarding the points above.
ReplyDelete6. Some of the innards were retained, as I kept all the necks, hearts and livers and they will be put to use (likely in a terrine). I will have to consider the gizzards and lungs in the future.
12. The other way to get pheasants and other game birds is a little more time intensive but if you are willing to try it you are welcome to join me wandering about the countryside looking for them. =)