Monday, November 9, 2009

Discovering Permaculture

I have been busy working on different projects and researching different ideas for some time, slowing making changes in my household. While corresponding with one of my friends about a project I was thinking about, she asked me if I had taken a course in Permaculture. I quickly looked into it and realized that it is a collection of principles that I had already adopted in my mind, actions and beliefs but had not seen organized so nicely. The website that I think articulates the ideas around permaculture is
I realized that I was trying to turn my suburban plot into an urban farm, or more specifically, a Suburban Farm. I will be sharing my experience and my research on this blog and hopefully teaching those interested how I am making the transition from an unconscious suburban consumer to a self-sustaining woman who is taking care of her family, herself and the global community in the present and for the future.

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