It took me awhile but I have started using the clothesline. It took me awhile to get it going. I hung it up between posts by my walk-out basement. The patio door is the closest to the laundry room and I figured it would be easiest on me as I imagined lugging a heavy basket of wet clothes. I used a retractable clothesline incase we entertain in the area.
The patio has interlocking paving stones which get covered in leaves and dust very quickly. I will have to do sweeping frequently because I don't want to drop clean wet laundry on a dusty ground. I can see the merits of putting a clothesline over grass as dropped clothes are less likely to get dirty.
As I hung my dark blue towels, I thought that the sun might make the colour fade. I have started switching from white towels or linens to darker colours because I wanted to avoid using bleach.
I imagine that a generation ago, people used sunlight to bleach their white linens. Now we know scientifically that sunlight will rid fabrics of viruses.
I think I will dry my clothes outside when it is nice out and then line dry my laundry inside when it is below freezing.
As to the issue of colour fading, I could have my warm weather clothes in lighter fabrics and then go with darker colours for the winter months.
I remember reading that a large city had a law which stipulated that undergarments were not to be hung outside as it was considered indecent to hang your unmentionables where others could see them. I plan to hang our undies inside.
I find it interesting that our generation associates line drying with either poverty or fringe environmentalists. My grandmother had to go outside to collect frozen overalls off the line during the winters in Winnipeg. I imagine cold fingers grasping people sized cardboard representations and leaning them against the kitchen wall until they thawed enough to fold.
I am finding that it does take longer to put the laundry on the line than it does to just chuck everything into the dryer. What is time saving is that I can remove the laundry in groups and fold as I go, making little piles of jeans, shorts, short-sleeved t-shirts, long-sleeved t-shirts, etc.
So far so good, I just have to remember the laundry when a thundershower breaks.